Fitness Blogs

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Do These Common Myths About Female Fitness Keep You From Getting Fit?

Do These Common Myths About Female Fitness Keep You From Getting Fit?

These are a few of the common myths that apply to women and fitness:
⁃ Lifting Weights Makes You Bulky
⁃ Light Weight High Reps for Toning
⁃ Cardio makes you lean
⁃ I’ll just eat Healthy Food
⁃ Don’t eat after 6 pm…
⁃ Protein makes you fat
⁃ I’ll burn more fat in my fat burning zone

People buy with emotion, and try to justify it with logic!” You can see this wisdom coming into play with most of these myths about females and fitness, and how they’re able to last even though, when science and logic come into play, these myths become laughable fables.

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Running, Weight Loss, GRF’s and the Elephant in the Room

Running, Weight Loss, GRF’s and the Elephant in the Room

Recreational Runners tend to focus most of their energy in the wrong place when trying to improve their running times. When someone carries extra body weight, the smartest strategy to employ might not be finding, and using the most exotic running app or program. It’ll more than likely be addressing the elephant in the room. Excess body fat. Here’s how carrying extra weight affects your ability to run faster.

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How a Lack of Quality Sleep Affects Your Fitness Transformation

How a Lack of Quality Sleep Affects Your Fitness Transformation

Research has found that those that fail to get enough sleep (or low-quality sleep) are more likely to experience health issues such as increased insulin resistance, weight gain, higher stress hormones in the evening (making it harder to get to sleep the following night), lower Growth Hormones…

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Your New Year’s Resolution, Solution! Pt. 2

Your New Year’s Resolution, Solution! Pt. 2

Two More Tips to Help You Keep the Ball Rolling on Your Transformation If you do perform HIIT Workouts Focus on Increasing Density. HIIT workouts don’t need a high amount of work to be effective. When you make a workout denser, you perform more work in less time, or...

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The High Carb/Refeed Strategy

The High Carb/Refeed Strategy

With most of the low, and even the zero carb programs, using a strategically planned high carb or a high calorie day could not only help accelerate your fat loss, but it can also help you hold on to your muscle, temporarily increase your metabolism so that you burn...

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The Health Benefits of Coconut water

The Health Benefits of Coconut water

What if I told you there was a low calorie drink that was:
– High in electrolytes that many people lack.
– Lower in calories than your favorite sports drink.
– Can lower both high blood pressure and cholesterol.
– Can reduce stress and muscle tension

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Muscular Tension, Muscle Damage, & Mechanical Stress

Muscular Tension, Muscle Damage, & Mechanical Stress Once we find something we like, we tend to “ride it ‘til the wheels fall off” and continue to do the same things until infinity. If it worked before, it’ll always work, right? Building is always a case muscle...

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