Superhero Guide Female (Vol 2)
Build a physique like your favorite superhero!!! These books are aimed at taking the average person, that lacks the ability to work hard, needs to increase their muscle, drop body fat… and is divided into two parts. Most of programs that promise these types of results give you 90 days to build large amounts of muscle, while dropping 20, 30, or more pounds of fat, and have your attempting to put your “butt in two saddles” (meaning trying to train to achieve maximum fat loss, and maximum muscle gain at the same time). Part 1 of both the male and female are aimed at building both strength, and muscle. This will also increase your ability to perform work, so that when it’s time for Part 2 of Superhero Programs, you’ll improve your ability to perform work, which makes it easier to burn more calories, and create the perfect conditions for fat loss. Both versions of the female guide come with glute specialization programs.