Ways To Boost Your Metabolism, Without Using Stimulants

March 31, 2021

By admin


 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism, Without Using Stimulants

7. Extended Sets- Extended sets work well for boosting metabolism by creating what’s called a metabolic disturbance within your system. Because you’re working hard for a longer period of time, your body releases more fat burning hormones. It also burns more calories after you workout, and in some cases, you will burn extra calories up to 36 hours after your workout.

6. Eat a High Volume of Low Calorie Foods- Certain foods make your body expend a lot of energy just to break them down, and convert them to energy. Fibrous vegetables have a lot of insoluble fiber and because of that they are low in calories but your body also uses a lot of energy while attempting to break them down and use them for energy. Because the fiber is in soluble it’s not able to be converted to energy and is excreted when you use the restroom.

5. Exercise in the Cold- Even though this one might have you experienced a lot of discomfort, exercising in the cold is one way to make your body burn more calories.  here’s how this works: When you exercise in the extreme cold your body will what will expend more calories to help you maintain your normal body temperature. It does this by forcing you to shiver in order to create heat.

4. Use Certain Spices- Cayenne Pepper, ginger, turmeric… These spices have been known to slightly increase your rate of burning calories.

3. Perform HIIT Workouts- Similar to how resistance training or even using extended sets when you perform resistance training workouts allow your metabolism to burn more calories, high intensity interval training does the same thing. When you exercise at higher intensities you end up breathing harder and the amount of oxygen that your body can supply you with does not meet the demands of the exercise you’re performing. So as a result,  your body burns more calories while it tries to take in more oxygen in order to catch up with the oxygen deficit created by the high-intensity exercise.

2. Gain Muscle- Gaining muscle is a great way to help your body burn more calories.  as your muscle mass increases, your body requires more  calories to be burned just for you to do normal everyday activities.  It also increases your tolerance to carbohydrates.  I like to use this in a strategy along with reverse dieting, to help people keep from gaining the weight back that they’ve lost. Here’s how this works:  once they’ve hit their goal body fat and their goal weight, I will switch my clients to a program that will help them gain muscle.  while that client is trying to gain muscle I will slowly increase the amount of carbohydrates, or calories to not only help them gain muscle but also help keep them  from gaining weight because their new maintenance calories are low. By raising their calorie intake slowly (100-200 calories every 1-2 weeks) they are less likely store the extra calories as fat, and it will allow their bodies to adjust to their new calorie intake, and make it the new normal. If they try to immediately go back to their old ways, or their old calorie intake they are more likely to store those extra calories is fat so you have to slowly adjust the calories upwards. 

  1. Increase Your Protein Intake- We know that higher protein intake is required to help people gain muscle, and recover from workouts. But studies have shown that a higher protein intake also results in more fat loss. In addition to that,  even though people still believe that having a high protein intake is going to make them fat,  or that protein can be easily stored as fat,  research shows that you will expend more calories trying to convert protein into fat then you would trying to convert carbohydrates or fats into fat.

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