Your New Year’s Resolution, Solution! Pt. 2

April 7, 2018

By admin


Two More Tips to Help You Keep the Ball Rolling on Your Transformation

If you do perform HIIT Workouts Focus on Increasing Density. HIIT workouts don’t need a high amount of work to be effective. When you make a workout denser, you perform more work in less time, or at least the same amount of work in less time. If I push a sled for 15 seconds, and rest 45 seconds, then 1-month later perform 15 second sprints, with 30 seconds rest, my workout is denser. I would be able to get more sprints in (20 sprints in the first example, vs. 26 sprints in the second) per 20 minute HIIT workout. Density also increases, if I make the sprint 30 seconds, while keeping the rest period the same, because I would spend more of the 20-minute time period sprinting, and the time spent working, vs. the time spent working would be smaller. As the workout becomes denser, the magic that causes the benefits that HIIT delivers increases. Which, unlike regular cardio, delivers more fat loss than the number of calories will reflect, and HIIT also increases the metabolism to burn more calories after the workouts.
Increase your time under tension when you lift.
People usually only pay attention to lifting the weight. They never pay attention to lowering the weight, and they also perform most of their reps at the same speed (or the same tempo), unless struggling. Well studies show that lifter that performed their lifts at a tempo of 401, which means that they took 4 seconds to lower the weight, before immediately lifting the weight in one second had burned more calories than the lifters that took 1-seconds to lift the weight, and 1 second to lower the weight. Which may also create more of the hormonal effects to increase fat loss in a manner similar to how HIIT does it, and it can help with building muscle. With goals such as fat loss or muscle gain, it’s usually best to set up you time under tension so that it will take you between 40-70 seconds to complete your set. For example, if I have you perform a set of 10-12 reps, at 311, it will take you 5-seconds to perform each rep, and 50-60 seconds to perform your set. Due to the length of time that the set lasts, it can cause us to release hormones that help us burn more fat, and possibly gain muscle. Most people lift at a tempo of 101 (or faster), and in most cases, their sets only last 20 seconds.

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