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The world has changed so much since I started working in the field of fitness. One of the things that has forced some of these changes is technology. A lot of the things we had to do with pencil and paper, has now been made simpler, and can be carried with you on your...

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Reasons Why Your Nutrition Program Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Nutrition Program Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Nutrition Program Isn’t Working   7. You’re Too Damn Extreme Most people believe that weight loss is only about calories in vs. calories out.Hormones also play a role. Your metabolism is regulated by your thyroid, which produces thyroid hormones....

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Why Your HIIT Program Isn’t Working

Why Your HIIT Program Isn’t Working

People tend to repeat certain mistakes when they perform high intensity interval training workouts. Here’s a few of the common ones, along with why they keep you from making progress.

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Reasons Why Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working

5 Reasons Why Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working In fact, when you study exercise science you learn about (or you should learn about) 5 principles of exercise science. These principles are: specificity (you must train in the specific way that brings about the desired...

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