Reasons Why Your Nutrition Program Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Nutrition Program Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Nutrition Program Isn’t Working   7. You’re Too Damn Extreme Most people believe that weight loss is only about calories in vs. calories out.Hormones also play a role. Your metabolism is regulated by your thyroid, which produces thyroid hormones....
Why Your HIIT Program Isn’t Working

Why Your HIIT Program Isn’t Working

THAT S*** Ain’t HIIT ! Excuse the language, but let me explain. Without me delving deep into the physiology (I can if you need me to), you have to work hard enough to cross a certain threshold to receive the benefits associated from HIIT workouts. Usually, after a...
Reasons Why Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working

5 Reasons Why Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working In fact, when you study exercise science you learn about (or you should learn about) 5 principles of exercise science. These principles are: specificity (you must train in the specific way that brings about the desired...